Today, if the two companies enter into a contract, the first, his rough pro draft up normally on the computer, and then printed on paper. Then it pass-most often by fax, the other side, where his editing: comments made by hand or gaining the amended document in another followed by computer printout. He then sent a fax Education Snow; corrections are taken or rejected, a new newspapers document, it is sent by fax, and the editing process revived updated. When such work is often difficult to document, who author concrete changes. Coordinate all corrections and transfer Chu securities becomes very problematic. Electronic documents simplifies this process, allowing for the exchange of draft contract with all Editing, comments observations and notations: who made them and when.
Over the next few years, electronic document certified digital within signatures will be available to the fore, and disengage paper at the second. Already now many organizations, abandoning paper and faks-apparatov Emerging Reschly to exchange editable documents from computer to computer on e-mail. I note, incidentally, that no e-mail to write this book, it would be much harder. Readers Opinions for me nebezraz- personally, browsed rough version of the book in electronic form, made their comments and returned to me by e-mail while I always not only saw the proposed corrections, but who and where he worked with the text.
This, of course, does not mean that the information will be free, but along at its spread radiation will be very low. With the publication of books Main costs associated with its production and distribution, not to the payment of fees tax author. Trees must be cut, chop wood to the homogeneous mass and out of the manufacture of paper. Books need to print, and sbroshyurovat in clothe binding. Most publishers are investing in fixed assets the first print run, defined maximum number of copies, which Roe, in their view, can quickly disperse. Indeed, the publication of the book just while profitable, when it is issued once a large print Candy. But publishers are here at financial risk: it is possible that they will not copies will be able to sell off all or that their implementation will take what perhaps the time. Along the publisher to keep the book in stock, ship their shop bookstores and wholesalers, retail trading. Traders also in this business investing their capital and, of course, want to be able to determine fly profit.
By the time the buyer takes in the book store and cashiers the first machine, pozvyakivaya, gives him the check, the copyright fee already accounts shall fraction compared to the amount that goes to delivery information on processed wood mass. I prefer to call
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